Sebelum sy mulakan topik ni, first i'm sori klu ada sesiapa yg tak senang dgn pic kt atas. But i don't want to talk bout the pic, sy nk cakap pasal lagu Perfect by P!nk. I mean.. the lyrics which are so meaningful to me which make me humming this song all the time for now. Plus, the melody is great too. Btw, P!nk's vocal is also impeccable ;)
It's about self-esteem, i love the video clip too. Compared to video P!nk yg dlu2, this one better and not as censored as others. Klu org tak faham dgn lirik dia, tgk jln citer video tu pun dh fhm. I like the ending most, how she decided to be herself, fully utilized her talent and u can see the outcome ;)
Actually, sy sendiri penah mengalami fasa di mana self-esteem berada di tahap plg bottom la. I think it's started when i'm in form 4 sehinggakan penah kena pggil ngan cikgu kaunseling coz performance sy jatuh & not as expected, plg teruk masa zaman matric. Ye la ms tu tak biasa lg dgn benda2 think positive ni. When people said bad things or ada apa2 yg menyebabkan rasa sedih..layan je perasaan tu smpi lg worse jadinya. Masa matric dlu i have a fren (should i called her a fren?), tak perlu la mention nama dia... yg selalu memperlekehkan, underestimate me. Bak kata P!nk "mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood.." Sehinggakan i feel so bad with myself and jd pendiam. Belajar pun tak leh fokus..(kesian saya kan? huhu) Sampaikan bila tgk pix yg capture masa matric pun, ada kwn sy cakap "nape la ati ni asyik duk tepi..plg ujung skali.. cam menyelit pun ada". I think she could sensed it. Tapi nasib baik la dpt jugak score >3.00. Ntah2..klu takder insiden ni, dpt perfect 4.00 kot. haha.. berangan! Ms sy sorang2, sy suka melukis, (dgn pensel je) anything.. tp sy plg byk lukis potret. Mmg hobi. Klu kt umah dlu, nk tgk tv lak, di dominasi by kaum lelaki lak, Adik beradik sy semua lelaki. Dorang suka tgk gusti, bola, f1 etc.So, dok sengsorang la sambil menconteng. Kluar pun slalu sorang2 naik bas. Mak sy mmg x suka sy kuar sorang2 tp nk wat cane takder org nk teman. Recently, i came across an article yg kata those yg takder adik beradik perempuan (at least 2 girls in a family) mmg suka memendam perasaan sorang & not sharing wif others. Ada kebenarannya... Only sehingga hari ni, br sy buka citer ni. Ok la, enough said pasal citer ni.. dh bukak bab br kan.
That situation, changed bit by bit bila sy masuk keje. Byk faktor, maybe kwn2 baru and my new hobby help me utk dptkan blk self-esteem & confidence level yg dh hilang tu. New thoughts also help. Ya... think positive. Sepatutnya bila org m'perlekehkan kita, kita harus lawan dgn cara yg +ve mcm tunjukkan yg kita boleh buat better dr dia. Kiranya sweet revenge la. haha.. One more thing, true love (wink2) also help me a lot in gaining tht confidence selain berdoa kpd-Nya.
Personally.. for me, there's nothing perfect in this world kecuali Allah, yg ada adalah yg great/sooo beautiful/or plg tidak pun.. almost perfect. Spt kata seorang coach English course;
"Practice doesn't make perfect, practice make fluent... there's nobody perfect."
Terserahla apa pandangan anda. Tapi jgn sesekali biarkan org lain m'jatuhkan anda ke tahap yg tak sepatutnya. Give her/him that sweet revenge! hahaha (gelak jahat). Daaa~
ape2 pon ti..kite kene cnfident ngan diri kita..:)